Hot Mess

I saw a video recently that asked the question, Can we let go of the Hot Mess Mom Mentality already?

It made me think about those seasons I’ve been in before where I was truly a hot mess. Four kids under 10, two in diapers, one with some special needs and a medically retired combat vet who needed a lot of caregiving.

I was a total hot mess.

What brought me comfort during that time though, was knowing other moms who weren’t afraid to be vulnerable in their hot messes—it actually made me feel less alone. Less other.

When we share hard things we’re going through, that brings hope and help to others. It’s biblical—it makes us Overcomers when we share our testimonies (Revelation 12:11).

When we keep them to ourselves, we may be opening the door for some lies of the enemy—we’re the only one going through this, we’re somehow less than because we can’t get our shiznit together, it will always be like this.


As the oversharer of the family, I’m a fan of talking about some of my struggles. Of being real and raw at times. It’s not always easy to share those hard place and spaces with someone else, but when I feel that nudging from the Holy Spirit to share something, he uses it.

Your story—even the hard parts (especially the hard parts)—may be just the thing someone needs to hear today to keep going. To take another step in the right direction.

For today friends, let’s embrace those places where we’re a hot mess, and show them to someone else who may be struggling. Let’s let the Lord meet us in our weakness to both make us strong and to give someone else hope.

I’ll show my hot mess if you will—




Waiting Room


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