
Too much stuff.

We humans suffer from stuffitis pretty bad. We hold onto pants in four sizes and grudges, stuffing our closets and attics and basements full of things we don’t need and will never use.

But we think, I can’t possibly let go of that! I may need it someday.

Can I give a different perspective on why I’m working toward decluttering my spaces? The things that I have and don’t need may actually be meant for someone else. And I might be robbing them of blessing by not giving it away.

As for those things we clutter our hearts up with, maybe it’s time to take a look in there too.

Resentment, bitterness, and unforgiveness can clog things up really fast. The longer we hang onto our hurts and get hung up on our offenses the messier things get.

Friends, let’s spend time in this new year working on clearing out both our hearts and our houses. We don’t have to do anything crazy—this is a process.

To go anywhere on purpose, we have to steward the NOW well. Clean out, get rid of, and let go of things we don’t need. God wants to take us somewhere, but we need less to carry if we’re going on this journey with him.

Don’t let MORE keep you from what the Lord has for you in this season or the next.




Momming Hard


Happy New Year